How do I get Started in Cyber Security?

3 min readJul 9, 2021


Ethical Hacking, Application Security, Penetration Testing, Bug Bounties, and so forth, these things are getting mainstream among teens, researchers, experienced experts, and so on around the world.

I am writing this blog to my viewpoint on How to Get Started in Cyber Security?

Cyber Security is a huge domain, When you say Cyber Security there are hell lots of options available: You can be an Ethical Hacker, Cyber Forensics Expert, Security Analyst, Penetration Tester, Bug Bounty Hunter, or maybe you are not sure what you want to become. So first let's dive into what all career options are there in this domain and what domain you are interested in.

Cyber Security Career Options.

The above map divides Cyber Security career options into three main domains, Offensive, Defensive & Research. There are many more career options, but these are the main options in the domain.

So there are some strongly recommended prerequisite before getting into the main topic.

  1. Basic Computer Skills.
  2. Networking concepts.
  3. Understanding how different kinds of Operating Systems works.
  4. Basic Programming Skills.

Getting Started.

> Basic Computer Skills.

Basic computer skills refer to perform basic tasks on a computer. That is basic understanding on certain software, applications, programs, tools and more. Computer skills can be divided into two categories: software and hardware. Hardware refers to the computer’s hardware components, whereas software refers to different types of applications and programs.

> Networking concepts.

Computer Networks are an essential component for any IT guy, not simply for the IT security people. Like networking, are the basic building blocks of hacking. You must know basic concepts of networking which includes how Routers work, how Firewalls works, what are Ports, Basic Network Protocols, what are IP & MAC addresses.

Resources to learn Computer Networks

> Understanding how different kinds of Operating Systems works.

There are a bunch of Operating Systems available in the market, however, the most commonly used are Windows, Linux, MAC and different kinds of Linux-based OS such as Kali Linux, Parrot Os.

It is important to know how a particular OS works, what are the features provided by them, what are all the security aspects provided by the vendor, what are the limitations that an attacker can exploit.

Resources to learn about operating Systems.

> Basic Programming Skills.

You need to learn some programming languages to be an ethical hacker. Just the basic understanding of coding is required, you need not be very good at coding, just the basic level of understanding will be fine. So you need to learn HTML, JavaScript, Python and SQL

Resources to learn Programming.




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